Una de las mejores formas de darle un empujón a tu español es hacer un curso intensivo, a lo que le sumas un completo programa de actividades culturales y obtienes una experiencia enriquecedora e inolvidable.

Razones por elegir a Rondalingua

RondaLingua is a true gem for language learners around the globe. Not only are the lessons top-notch, but the owners go above and beyond to make the experience at their language institute unparalleled. Our students who participate in a summer immersion in Ronda and take classes at RondaLingua, have only the highest praise for the program. They are paired with wonderful host families, participate in many other activities arranged by the school such as cooking and dance classes, take part in language exchanges with local students, and even go on excursions to nearby Spanish cities. 

This school does it all and we would recommend taking classes here. We plan to return each summer with our students from North Carolina, USA. If you are looking for the best of the best, look no further. RondaLingua has it all. 

¿Quieres forma parte de la familia Rondalingua? ¿Has pensado en vivir una experiencia única acogiendo en tu casa a nuestros estudiantes?

Será algo inolvidable: ellos se adaptarán a tu vida y tú les darás ese toque cercano que todos queremos tener cuando estamos lejos del hogar. No serán simples estudiantes, será parte de tu familia para siempre.

Si te interesa, contáctanos y rellena el formulario.

Razones por ser familia anfitriona

Programa 2024


Aquí compartimos comentarios de algunas de nuestras familias anfitrionas actuales. Nos llena de alegría ver como esa experiencia es tan rica para todos.

“Gracias a vosotros Jaime, siempre es una gran experiencia tener a estos niños en casa.”

Tomas Campbell

Service technician
There are many variations passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected or randomised .words which don't look even slightly believable If you are going to use .

Robert Ocampo

Aquatic biologist
There are many variations passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected or randomised .words which don't look even slightly believable If you are going to use .